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Youth Protection Program

Minors on Campus:加州州立大学萨克拉门托(CSUS)致力于为校园社区的所有成员和来访的公众提供一个健康和安全的环境, including minor children (youth) on campus. 青少年是指年龄在18岁以下的个人,他们不是被大学录取的学生.

我们承诺为所有人提供一个开放和安全的校园环境, including youth, 风险管理服务处(RMS)制定了青年保护计划. This program intends to identify events and activities that serve, or otherwise engage youth, 为他们的安全和保护建立标准和协议. It also intends to guide staff and volunteer conduct, 并便于识别高风险互动和项目特征. CSUS必须考虑所有涉及青年的活动的影响, and appreciate the risks and legal responsibilities. Therefore, 采取适当措施管理潜在的接触, especially to these young program participants, is essential.

All University departments and auxiliaries, outside organizations, employees (staff), 与青少年经常或直接接触的学生及义工必须填写以下表格:

Program Registration

主办或涉及青年的大学项目的负责人必须通过填写 Minors on Campus-Program or Activity Registration. 项目注册要求说明直接接触青少年的成年人是否完成了培训并通过了背景调查. 青年项目和青年活动的注册必须在每次活动开始前至少六十(60)天提交给学校. A program that does not register will not be allowed.


CSU Learn training as per the established Youth Protection Training Matrix is required. 培训应每年或在项目人员和志愿者开始与青少年一起工作之前完成. All training shall be documented and tracked by Risk Management. If an individual does not have access to CSU Learn, then please contact the Risk Management department.

Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act


On July 21, 2017, 加州虐待和忽视儿童报告法案(CANRA)修正案生效. 因此,基社盟总理办公室发布了修订后的法案 Executive Order 1083, “Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect,” to provide direction on the implementation of CANRA.

《澳门博彩官网》规定了“被授权报道”虐待或忽视儿童的人的法律义务. 为了这项政策的目的,所有CSU员工都被指定为强制记者. As a designated mandated reporter, 雇员须在其专业能力范围内,或在其受雇范围内观察或了解某人时,报告怀疑虐待或忽视儿童的情况, under the age of 18 years, 他们知道或有理由怀疑是儿童虐待或忽视的受害者.

员工必须立即或尽快与大学警察局联系,报告涉嫌虐待或忽视儿童的情况. Employees must also file a report (SS 8572) within 36 hours with University Police. In addition, 所有犯罪现场组的员工现在都需要签署一份确认表格, 哪些陈述雇员知道他/她的法律报告义务和遵守法律的必要性.


平等机会办公室或第九条协调员可以协助员工解决有关其强制性报告职责和填写事件表的任何问题. OEO can be reached at or 916-278-5770.

University Police Department: Phone: (916) 278-6000;

如果您举报其他县的儿童涉嫌虐待或忽视儿童,请联系该县的儿童保护服务机构: 加州县紧急响应儿童虐待报告电话号码.

Third-Party or Co-sponsored Programs

在物业内举办的青少年项目的第三方赞助商, 由大学运营或控制的学生负责注册课程 Minors on Campus-Program or Activity Registration, procuring and reviewing background checks, 并进行符合CSUS风险管理要求的培训. 我们的校园不为外部第三方供应商提供在线培训, but vendors may review the “Your Guide to Working with Minors.”

所有外部第三方机构必须购买大学要求的保险, including Abuse and Molestation Liability Insurance written on an “occurrence” basis.

Mandatory Background Checks

人力资源部负责对犯罪现场组员工和志愿者进行背景调查 CSU Technical Letter HR 2017-17. 项目主管负责识别和记录所有青年项目工作人员和志愿者, 并确保他们在项目开始前通过背景调查. 风险管理将决定员工和志愿者参加青年项目的资格, with appropriate consultation from Human Resources. Note: Our office does not require the details of a background check.

Required Resources

Your Guide to Working with Minors

Minors on Campus - Program or Activity Registration Form

Background Check Policy (HR 2017-17)

Sac State Youth Protection Program Code of Conduct

CSUS Youth Protection Training Matrix (CSU Learn in My Sac State)

Laws, Codes, and Policies

青少年保护18岁以下儿童-萨克拉门托州政策# 13764066

It is the policy of California State University, Sacramento (Sacramento State) to mandate the safety, protection, 以及校园社区所有成员和来访公众的福祉, including Youth on campus. 萨克拉门托州立大学对虐待未成年人(以下简称“青少年”)的行为采取零容忍态度。.

Assembly Bill No. 506

Requires administrators, employees, 和青年服务机构的定期志愿者,完成虐待和忽视儿童的识别和报告培训. 进行背景调查,以确定和排除任何有虐待儿童历史的人.

Assembly Bill 218



(a) Commencing with January 1, 1993, 每个公共娱乐项目的雇主应要求每个与未成年人直接接触的雇员立即提交, or in the case of a new employee, to submit on or before the first day of his or her employment, one set of fingerprints to the Department of Justice. This requirement is a condition of employment.

Other Resources

Release of Liability Waiver, Field Trip Student - January 2011


Contact Our Office

有关青少年保护计划的更多信息或问题 通过电子邮件或电话联系青少年保护分析师纳伊利·冈萨雷斯: (916) 278-4629.