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Payroll Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I was absent today, when do I report my absences?

答:您可以在休假时报告您的缺勤情况,方法是进入员工中心并导航到“报告和查看缺勤”链接. Absences should be entered by the 2nd work day of the following month. 在线报告也有一些例外,一些员工可能需要使用纸质的缺勤申请单(考勤表) 在这里.

Q: I have questions about my leave balances. Whom should I contact?

A: You should always contact your department timekeeper first. If the information is unobtainable or the issue is not resolved, the timekeeper should call the Payroll Office.

Q: How do I submit my Jury Duty substantiation form?

答:请将你的陪审员义务证明表格从法院电邮至 once you have completed service.



  1. 提醒所有员工进入他们的缺席或无休假
  2. 提醒所有缺勤批准员在他们的区域批准员时间
  3. 第二次提醒所有没有进入缺勤或未请假的员工
  4. 第二次提醒所有尚未在其区域内批准时间的缺席审批人

问:我是一名学术教员,如果我没有请假,每个月不需要打卡. Why am I receiving these emails?

A: The emails are sent to all employees as a reminder. We are unable to only send them to select groups.


Q: I moved this year. How do I change my address?

A:所有员工都需要到工资办公室更改地址. If you update only your department and the Benefits Office, this will not update the state payroll system.

  • 您可以通过导航到您的员工中心并查看您的个人信息摘要来更改您的地址. From t在这里, you can update your home address.
  • 您也可以通过填写员工操作请求表单来更新您的地址 工资形式. This form can be emailed to your payroll technician. 如果您通过电子邮件提交表格,请使用您的员工ID号码而不是您的社会安全号码.

Paycheck Direct Deposit


A: Effective 01/13/24, use Cal Employee Connect (CEC) website hosted by State Controller's Office.

For instructions, log in to ServiceNow 使用你的 SacLink account, then select an article to view:

支票直接存款登记和更改可能需要四到六周的时间. 在国家审计署设立新帐户或变更帐户时,可签发纸质支票. Please check with your Payroll 科技nician 确认.

Q: How can I cancel my paycheck direct deposit?

A:联系你的 payroll technician to cancel your direct deposit.

如果您有银行问题,需要立即取消您的直接存款, please contact your Payroll 科技nician 因为他们可以联系州审计长办公室要求行政取消.

Employment Verification

Q: I am applying for home loan/rental application. How would I go about receiving an employment verification?

A: Information on verifications can be found on the Employment Verification 页面.


问:发薪日到了! W在这里 can I pick up my check?

答:支票被送到学校的财务处,并在特定的日期和时间发放. 请参阅 财务主管办公室 web 页面 for details as t在这里 may be variances.

Q: Can I have my check mailed?

是的. 请填妥“临时邮寄薪金支票”acrobatsign表格 在这里. 支票将邮寄到员工中心个人信息摘要中列出的“家庭”地址. 请务必在提交表格之前检查您的地址并进行任何更改.

Q: My payment has changed/looks off. 我可以联系谁??

A: Please locate your Payroll 科技nician 在这里. They will be able to assist with your questions/concerns.

Q: What is this deduction on my check?

A:您最近是否参加了运输安全管理局、家属照顾或其他福利? 你是否欠大学或其他州或联邦机构的钱? 你是否收到过搬家费用,现在你要交税? 这些只是你会在工资单上发现额外扣除的几个原因. Please contact your Payroll 科技nician for more information.


A:使用 Cal Employee Connect (CEC) website hosted by State Controller's Office. For instructions, log in to ServiceNow 使用你的 SacLink account, then select an article to view:

Q: I've lost/destroyed my paycheck. 我该怎么办??

A: Please contact your Payroll 科技nician. 他们将向州审计长办公室提交文件,要求停止支付薪水并要求重新发放. This process may take two to three weeks to complete.

Q: My paycheck was mailed, but I never received it. 我该怎么办呢??

A: Please check your ‘Home’ address in your Employee Center. 薪水 are mailed to that address. If it is correct, please contact your Payroll 科技nician. 他们将向州审计长办公室提交文件,要求停止支付薪水并要求重新发放. This process may take two to three weeks to complete.


答:没有. 州审计长指导方针规定,在任何情况下,我们都不能在发薪日之前发放工资支票.



A: If you have contributed to PERS, 退款表格(CalPERS基金处置)可通过联系您的工资技术员获得. 所有其他退款申请均通过福利办公室处理

Separation Process

Q: I will be separating from the University. What are the check-out procedures?

A: Information on separations can be found on the Separation Process 页面.

Q: How do I change my tax withholdings?

答:您可以通过填写并提交雇员行动请求(std . 1)来更改您的预扣税. 686) , located in our 工资形式. Payroll has deadlines set by the State Controller's Office. 在发薪日之前提交变更请求并不总是会导致变更反映在当月的检查中.

The form can be returned to your payroll technician via email. For better security, 填写表格时,请使用您的雇员身份证号码,而不是您的社会安全号码.

*注*从1/1/21开始生效,有一个新的员工行动请求表格. This form was changed to reflect current W-4 requirements. Each field will need to be reviewed and completed. 在填写表格时,请务必仔细阅读说明. If you have tax questions, please refer to a tax specialist. The Payroll Office is not authorized to offer tax advice.


答:没有, 你必须在每年一月重新申报你的免税状态,否则你的免税状态将自动恢复为单一状态,没有任何免税额.

Q: I want to change my TSA or Deferred Comp. How can I determine the net effect on my check?

答:州审计长办公室有一个可下载的Excel页面,用于计算工资计算器. 您可以在我们的“快速链接”下找到“净支付计算器”的链接 就业服务 网页.


Q: I have a question regarding my union deduction. Who would I speak to about that?

A: Union deductions are facilitated by the unions. Please contact your Union for more information.


Q: When are W-2's issued?

A: W-2表由州审计长办公室打印并在一月底寄出. 它们被发送到工资办公室在上一年12月10日存档的最新地址.

You can also sign up for Cal Employee Connect (CEC)该服务允许员工查看和打印工资单和W-2表格. w -2表格将于1月31日在加州雇员连接上提供.

For instructions, log in to ServiceNow 使用你的 SacLink account, then select an article to view:

Q: I've lost or didn't receive my W-2's, what do I do?

答:如果无法交付,实体副本可能已退还给薪资服务部. If you need the physical copy, please contact your payroll technician.

You can also sign up for Cal Employee Connect (CEC)该服务允许员工查看和打印工资单和W-2表格.

For instructions, log in to ServiceNow 使用你的 SacLink account, then select an article to view:

Q: I need a copy of a prior year W-2. How do I order one?

A:使用 Cal Employee Connect (CEC) website hosted by State Controller's Office. For instructions, log in to ServiceNow 使用你的 SacLink account, then select an article to view:

如果您需要以前一年的W-2,请在Cal雇员连接上提供 visit the State Controllers' web site.