
福利机构 人力资源



加州州立大学,萨克拉门托 is committed to providing a diverse and supportive academic and work environment that facilitates learning, 教学, 为所有学生开展研究工作, 员工和访客. It is CSU policy to ensure that individuals with disabilities shall have equal access to and the opportunity to participate in CSU programs, 活动及服务.

萨克拉门托州立大学将提供准入, support and accommodation to individuals with disabilities in compliance with 加州州立大学 Executive Order 1111, 加州公平就业和住房法(FEHA), 政府法典第12920条及以下., the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, (ADA) 42 U.S.C. 12101等序列., and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 第701条及以下部分.

This policy applies to all CSU campuses and to the Office of the Chancellor. 它适用于, 但不限于, 学术课程和服务, 学生服务, 人力资源服务, 信息资源与技术, 采购货物和服务, 资本规划, 设计, 和建筑.



Under the 加州 Fair Employment and 住房 Act (“FEHA”) and the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), reasonable accommodations are defined as modifications or adjustments to the work environment, or to the manner or circumstances under which a position is customarily performed, that enables a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of that position.

Contact the 福利机构 to communicate your need for reasonable accommodation(s) and describe the areas of inaccessibility that impact you as you perform your job. 您可以通过三种方式与我们联系:电子邮件地址: benefits@基督教社会联盟.edu,电话(916)278-6213,或亲自前往. 福利办公室位于Del Norte Hall 3004.

Ja'Cinta Mixson, ADA分析师
电子邮件: j.mixson@基督教社会联盟.edu

The following provides guidance on the interactive process as well as your responsibilities:





For workstation ergonomic evaluations unrelated to a sensory, 精神或身体残疾, 请联系Adell Seibles, 工人赔偿经理, 拨打(916)278-3979了解更多有关人体工程学的资源. You do not need to go through the accommodation process for a standard ergonomic evaluation.

人体工程学评估vs ADA/FEHA合理调节

请注意 人体工程学评估过程不同于, 分开, ADA/FEHA合理住宿流程. Office equipment identified as necessary through the Ergonomic Evaluation process is the responsibility of the employee’s department, unless the employee has a qualifying disability and the equipment addresses the employee’s limitations. That determination will be made through the interactive process.


萨克拉门托州 supports employees who continue to nurse their children after they return to work, and is committed to providing a work environment that supports employees’ legal rights and medical necessity to express milk in the workplace during the workday.

Employees who wish to express breast milk for the employee’s infant child while at work have the right to request a reasonable amount of break time for the purpose of expressing milk. 根据公平劳动标准法(FLSA), the University is not required to compensate employees for breaks taken for the purpose of expressing milk. Break time to express milk should run concurrently with any break time already provided to the employee, 在可能的情况下. Break time for an employee that does not run concurrently with the rest time authorized for the employee shall be unpaid. 然而, nursing employees using break time for the purpose of expressing milk shall be compensated in the same way other employees are compensated for break time, in accordance with the appropriate collective bargaining agreement.

Employees who request break time for the purpose of expressing milk shall be provided the use of a location to express milk in private. 提供牛奶快递的地点应:

  1. Not be a bathroom and shall be in close proximity to the employee’s work area, 遮挡视线, and free from intrusion while the employee is expressing milk;
  2. Be safe, clean and free of hazardous materials, as defined in 第6382节 《澳门博彩公司》;
  3. 包含放置吸奶器和个人物品的表面;
  4. Contain a place to sit; and,
  5. 有电力或其他设备吗, 包括, 但不限于延长线或充电站, needed to operate an electric or battery-powered breast pump.

Employees who wish to express breast milk for the employee’s infant child while at work shall also have access to a sink with running water and a refrigerator suitable for storing milk in close proximity to the employee’s workspace. 如不能提供冰箱, another cooling device suitable for storing milk shall be provided by the employer.

Employees must advise their appropriate administrator of their request for reasonable lactation accommodation for the purpose of expressing milk as soon as practicable. In the rare event that lactation accommodation in compliance with this policy cannot be provided, the 福利机构 shall provide a written response to the employee submitting the request.

Any questions regarding lactation accommodation for employees should be directed to the 福利机构 at 916-278-6213 or benefits@基督教社会联盟.edu.

Employees requesting lactation accommodation in accordance with this policy have the right to file a complaint with the Labor Commissioner for any violation of a right under 第三章.8 .哺乳适应 《澳门博彩公司》. Employees may file a report/claim with the Labor Commissioner’s Bureau of Field Enforcement. 有关更多信息,请参见 http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/HowToReportViolationtoBOFE.htm.


  • 红杉厅303室
  • Tschannen科学综合大楼-一楼靠近洗手间
  • WELL参与中心(WELL 1302)
  • 大学联盟
    • 一楼,星巴克附近
    • 三楼,南电梯附近
  • 欢迎中心- 2楼,靠近洗手间
  • 萨克州立大学市区- 215