
中心 教学 & 学习 学术事务



在线 & 混合课程认证

In response to the rapid growth of online and hybrid learning in the CSU and the need to support the development of high-quality courses, the Chancellor’s Office established an 网上课程服务 (OCS) program. The OCS program responds to the unique needs of CSU campuses and is available to all faculty at no cost. 的系统 CSU OCS网站 提供有关程序的更多信息.

As part of its mission to support the development of high-quality online courses, the 教与学中心 (CTL) and Academic 科技nology Services (ATS) contribute to and coordinate the OCS efforts at 萨克拉门托 State, 特别是通过质量事务(QM)组织.

质量问题 (QM) is an international pioneer in the review and recognition of high-quality online courses and an independent organization that supplies review materials, 研讨会, 以及成员学校的审查小组.

老师的支持 & 质量管理课程评审的经费

我们如何支持在线服务 & 混合课程?

The Quality Assurance (QA) program at 萨克拉门托 State provides support to faculty in the development and/or improvement of their hybrid and online courses. 获得支持的机会包括:

  • Faculty learning communities and 研讨会 focused on online and hybrid teaching and learning
  • 同侪辅导及谘询
  • 在线和混合课程的专家同行评审
  • 通过QM和QLT在线课程进行专业发展.

萨克拉门托州立大学是QM的成员, a nationally recognized organization for its peer-based approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement. This membership provides 萨克拉门托 State faculty and staff opportunities for QM peer reviews using the QM rubric.

Two peer review options are available to 萨克拉门托 State faculty to improve their online and 混合课程: Internal Peer Reviews and Formal QM Reviews.


内部审查图标 Faculty will receive $500 in professional development funding upon successful completion of an internal review of an online or hybrid course. 需求 and steps to apply for an internal peer review of an online or hybrid course are outlined below.

For further information about the internal review process, please contact 塔拉Sharpp.

  1. The course has been taught within the past year (fall, spring, or summer).
  2. 课程将于明年(秋季、春季或夏季)开课。.
  3. 讲师已经完成了课程的质量管理自我审查. 视频:进行质量管理自我检讨
  4. The instructor must complete the internal peer review process within the academic year of the application for internal review.
  5. The instructor has completed at least one QA course (QM or QLT) - preferred but not required.

  1. 满足课程复习要求,见上文.
  2. 教员提交一份 内部同行评审申请.
  3. 讲师将质量管理协调员添加到课程中.
  4. QM Coordinator notifies the instructor if the course is approved for Preparatory review.
  5. A qualified Subject Matter Expert and Master Reviewer are identified for the course Preparatory review.
  6. QMC schedules a pre-review conference with the instructor and the review team.
  7. After the pre-review conference, the Reviewer begins the review of the course. 评审期超过4周.
  8. Upon completion of the review, the Reviewer will provide the report to the instructor. The QM Coordinator or member of the OCS team will meet with the instructor to discuss review results.
  9. 如果课程不符合质量管理标准:
    • The instructor has the option of making revisions to the course in order to meet essential QM standards within 6 weeks.
    • 修订完成后, the instructor works with the QM Coordinator or OCS team member to review the revisions in order to meet QM standards.
  10. When the course meets QM standards, the course is qualified to proceed to a formal QM review process.


质量问题质量管理标志Faculty will receive $500 in professional development funding upon successful completion of a formal QM review of an online or hybrid course. 需求 and steps to apply for a formal QM review of an online or hybrid course are outlined below.

有关质量管理审核流程的更多信息,请联系 塔拉Sharpp

  1. 该课程已通过内部同行评审程序.
  2. The course has been taught in an online or hybrid format at least twice.

  1. 教员提交一份 申请正式的质量管理审查.
  2. 质量管理协调员批准并启动课程评审过程.
  3. 教练 completes the 质量问题 “教练 Course Worksheet (QM)” (provides background information about the course).
  4. A team of 3 reviewers is selected from the CSU and/or QM Peer Reviewers Database.
  5. The chair of review team contacts the instructor for a pre-view conference.
  6. The course review team conducts the formal course review (across 4-6 weeks).
  7. The course review team chair submits the final report which is shared with the QA Coordinator and instructor.
  8. 如果评审的课程不符合质量管理的认可标准, 课程在14周内进行修订.
  9. The course review team chair reviews the changes and communicates with the QM Coordinator and instructor.




萨克拉门托州立大学使用质量管理标准来认证我们的课程, so the OCS team recommends faculty take the QM 研讨会 offered free through the Chancellor’s office. 尽管萨克拉门托州立大学不使用QLT进行认证, you may take the free 研讨会 for additional professional development.

Check back soon for a few short videos about IYOC and APPQMR to help you decide which workshop is right for you.

科目名称 估计长度
澳门博彩官网质量问题准则 在线,10-15小时,异步
提高在线课程质量管理 在线,10-15小时,异步
人工智能教学工具 & 学习 在线,20-25小时(3周)异步
使用QLT仪器复习课程(Q2) 在线,10-15小时,异步
在线QLT教学高级课程 在线,15-20小时,异步

在线 & 混合教学资源






质量管理认证学院 & 工作人员

  • 林赛安德森 (Nursing): QM教学在线证书, Higher Ed (HE) Peer Reviewer
  • 詹妮弗•安德森 (护理):高等教育(HE)同行评审;
  • Chia-Jung涌 (COE):高等教育(HE)同行评审
  • 米歇尔见鬼 (护理):高等教育(HE)同行评审, HE硕士评审, HE质量管理协调员, HE课程评审经理, QM教学在线证书, IYOC主持人
  • 黛博拉·乔治。 (CCE): Higher Ed (HE) Peer Reviewer, HE硕士评审, CPE Peer Reviewer
  • Kelsey Macias (CTL):高等教育(HE)同行评审
  • Milica·马尔科维奇 (电 & 电子工程):高等教育(HE)认证的F2F促进者, HE课程评审经理, HE硕士评审, HE同行评审
  • 科琳罗兰 (IRT):高等教育(HE)同行评审
  • 喀拉黑眼圈 (护理):高等教育(HE)同行评审
  • 克里斯蒂聪明 (Nursing): QM教学在线证书, Higher Ed (HE) Peer Reviewer
  • 桑托斯托雷斯 (社会工作):高等教育(HE)认证在线辅导员, HE认证的国际奥委会在线主持人, HE硕士评审, PUB主审稿人, HE同行评审, PUB同行评审, HE项目认证评审员
  • 塔拉Sharpp (护理):高等教育(HE)同行评审, HE硕士评审, QM教学在线证书, HE质量管理协调员, HE课程评审经理, APPQMR主持人
  • 黛布拉Welkley (Sociology): Higher Ed (HE) Peer Reviewer, HE硕士评审, IYOC主持人


A QM certification signifies that a course has met a respected set of standards for high quality through a rigorous, 教员同行评议过程.

科目名称 教练
COMS 118:公共关系调查 程在香港
工程学124:热力学 Farshid Zabihian
时尚与人类环境 沈董
NUFD 113:营养与代谢 沙拉谢尔登
NURS 160:人类性学(6周版) 米歇尔见鬼
NURS 160:人类性学(16周版)  米歇尔见鬼
NURS 165:临终关怀和姑息护理(6周版) 塔拉Sharpp
NURS 165:临终关怀和姑息护理(16周版) 塔拉Sharpp
NURS 170:循证护理实践的基础 米歇尔见鬼
NURS 171:过渡概念:学士学位护士 布朗温领域
NURS 173:领导与管理的理论基础 塔拉Sharpp
NURS 178:最终项目 克里斯蒂聪明
PSYC 4:导航心理学:专业和职业 沙龙Furtak
心理学103:感知 莎拉链
SOC 120:民族和种族关系 黛布拉Welkley
SWRK 102 Crosscultural Theory and Practice: Issues of Race, Gender and Class (16-week version) 小桑托斯·托雷斯.
SWRK 102: Crosscultural Theory and Practice: Issues of Race, Gender and Class (6-week version 小桑托斯·托雷斯.
《澳门博彩公司》 小桑托斯·托雷斯.
SWRK 126:犯罪行为理论(6周版本) 小桑托斯·托雷斯.
SWRK 126:犯罪行为理论(16周版本) 小桑托斯·托雷斯.
SWRK 202:社会工作与多样化人口 小桑托斯·托雷斯.
社会福利政策和服务 小桑托斯·托雷斯.