
办公室 学术 Division of 学术事务


Out-of-状态 Students 状态 Authorization 状态

萨克拉门托 状态 monitors authorization laws in every state and is working to secure the appropriate authorization and/or licensure to offer distance education courses nationwide.


Internships/Clinical Experience/Field Work

If an online program involves an internship, 临床经验, 或者实地工作, those experiences are included in the authorization for the program.

If a traditional program offered at the 萨克拉门托 状态 campus requires an internship, 临床经验, 或者实地工作, and a 加州-based student wishes to pursue that experience outside of 加州, additional authorization in the chosen state may be required. Please consult your Program Advisor to determine state eligibility.

Distance Education/Online 项目

此时此刻, 加州 状态 University (as a system), or 萨克拉门托 状态 (as an individual campus) has secured authorization or exemption to enroll students from the following states in its online programs.

Authorizations By 状态

Please click hyperlinked state names to review specific details pertaining to student enrollment from each state.

Last updated: October 27, 2021.

状态 定义
阿拉巴马州 免除
阿拉斯加 免除
亚利桑那州 免除
阿肯色州 未授权
科罗拉多州 免除
康涅狄格 未授权
特拉华州 授权
佛罗里达 免除
乔治亚州 未授权
夏威夷 免除
爱达荷州 免除
伊利诺斯州 授权
印第安纳州 授权
爱荷华州 免除
堪萨斯 免除
肯塔基州 免除
路易斯安那州 授权
缅因州 免除
马里兰 授权
麻萨诸塞州 免除
密歇根 未授权
明尼苏达州 未授权
密西西比州 免除
密苏里州 授权
蒙大拿 授权
内布拉斯加州 免除
内华达 授权
新汉普郡 免除
新泽西 免除
新墨西哥 未授权
纽约 未授权
北卡罗莱纳 免除
北达科他 免除
俄亥俄州 免除
俄克拉何马州 免除
俄勒冈州 授权
宾西法尼亚 未授权
罗德岛州 未授权
南卡罗来纳 免除
南达科塔州 免除
田纳西州 免除
德州 免除
犹他州 授权
佛蒙特州 免除
维吉尼亚州 免除
华盛顿 免除
西维吉尼亚州 授权
威斯康辛州 免除
怀俄明 授权
Federal District/Territories 状态
美属萨摩亚 不启动
District of Columbia (华盛顿 D.C.) 未授权
关岛 不启动
Northern Mariana Islands 不启动
马绍尔群岛 不启动
帕劳 不启动
波多黎各 不启动
U.S. 属维尔京群岛 不启动


状态 定义 注册选项
授权 萨克拉门托 状态 has secured authorization to offer distance education/online programs. Individuals residing in this state may enroll unless otherwise specified (click state name if linked)
免除 萨克拉门托 状态 is exempt from securing authorization to offer distance education/online programs. Individuals residing in this state may enroll unless otherwise specified (click state name if linked)
未授权 萨克拉门托 状态 is not seeking authorization or exemption. Individuals residing in this state may not enroll.
不启动 萨克拉门托 状态 has not yet initiated an application for authorization or exemption. Individuals residing in this state may not enroll at this time. Please check back soon.
等待 萨克拉门托 状态 is in the process of securing authorization or exemption. Individuals residing in this state may not enroll at this time. Please check back soon.

Professional Licensure and Certification

加州 状态 University programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student to meet 加州 licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the 加州 状态 University and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.

The 加州 状态 University has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students enrolled in a 加州 状态 University program who are planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification.

This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43 (a) (5) (v) (C).

Student Complaint Process

Pursuant to the 美国 Department of Education's Program Integrity Rule, each institution of higher education is required to provide all prospective and current students with the contact information for the state agency, 或机构, that handle complaints against postsecondary education institutions offering distance learning within that state.

萨克拉门托 状态 encourages students to utilize 加州 状态 University's internal complaint or review policies prior to filing a complaint with a state agency.

CSU Internal Complaints Process
CSU Accreditation and 状态 Regulatory Authorizations

Should a student wish to file a complaint in their home state, please select the state contact from the Consumer Protection 状态 Contacts list to file a complaint directly in their state.

Consumer Protection 状态 Contacts